Blessed with new opportunities


Newsletter – October 2024

Hi, from Potchefstroom. Hope you are doing very well. We praise God for all that He is doing. There are so many things we hear on the news but God is also very busy with His kingdom. And this world truly needs the Kingdom of God to come in the hearts of people.

YWAM Southern-African leadership meeting in October

Ywam had their global meeting in September and now we have our local meeting in October for this region. Cape Town has started to be a little bit of a circuit for us as we do a lot of ministry on the way to Cape Town and also in the Cape Town region. We are going to Upington to spend some time with people that were trained in the Tpm. Then we are going to Kotzesrus in the Northern Cape to do some ministry with a group of Khoisan people. In Cape Town there is also many relationships we are following up.. Loren Cunningham talked about cycles, circuits and circles to explain how the Holy Spirit leads in mission journeys. Cycles is the time-frame in which you travel, circuit is the region you are travelling and the circle is the circle of leaders you are associating with in the mission God wants you to accomplish. We are looking forward to the SA leadership gathering to see all of the people we have been working with since 2009.

 Preaching in various locations

Currently I am studying a diploma in Theology with E2M as I felt God has called me for the church as well. I was invited to preach on zoom to a closed nation and we saw 549 people coming to Jesus in that event. Last Saturday I was invited to a township in Stilfontein and today I was speaking at a men's event in Vaal. We also went to Vredefort to share about TPM to a group from different churches. I was also invited to speak to a group of 50 men from ten different churches in Sasolburg. This is a new move of the Spirit and I enjoy teaching in these various locations. God is normally working from the grassroots up and sometimes from the top down to the bottom. 

 Prophetic school

When I saw the fruit of the prophetic school in a closed nation I was struck again at the power of discipleship. At some of the churches I preach, I was struck with the lack of discipleship. Discipleship trains true leaders. We have done so many discipleship schools of various kinds I cannot count them anymore. We release them after the schools and you see them only on facebook after that. It is very difficult to gauge the effect of your work as the kingdom of God is within us. In this prophetic school we see some good leadership material and we hope that they will also bear as much fruit as previous people that were trained in the prophetic school.

Work creation

After many months of preparation we started with the work creation centre. I am involved in the team but the work is done by Emmah Mosiane and she is helped by a previous professor of economics Prof Japie Kroon. We are thankful for this centre that started and we hope for many more fruit. Please pray for this crucial work in our local community

 TPM course

We are always thankful for new people in the TPM We have very precious sessions that we cannot talk about because it is confidential. But we are very thankful for a new group of people that are coming through that is being trained. We got a person that is able to upgrade our courses on the internet to expand it more and to make it more people friendly with all kinds of ways to accelerate learning with the newest internet tools. We are looking forward to seeing how it pans out. We praise God as we see Him at work. We are seeing more and more sessions with indigenous people. When we were on our government outreach we just realised how much trauma healing needs to happen for nations. We can see with the TPM movement that God has been doing this all along. We just continue to build the network bigger and bigger as the TPM as multiply-able and very effective.

 New grandkids in three months

Both our daughters are expecting new babies in the first semester of next year. For Elandri and Matthew and Francois and Andrea it will be their first baby. Please pray for the safe arrival of all these new ones. We are so excited!

 Jonathan coming back from a mission trip

Jonathan was on an international mission trip with a group from Moreleta Park in Pretoria. He had a profound cultural experience and he enjoyed the trip a lot. This has given him a new passion for the nations and was an eye opener to the importance of the gospel. In South-Africa we are very privileged to live in a nation where the gospel is celebrated. It is not the case in all nations. It is our first year with an empty nest. We only have Josua over the weekends. Please pray for us for God’s direction in this new season of our life!

 Prayer topics:

  1. The safe arrival of the grandkids.
  2. Provision for our three week Cape Town trip. Especially transport and conference fees for the YWAM meeting
  3. Please pray for the preaching circuit for many new converts and discipleship.
  4. We want to finish off our debt, get more income streams so that we can travel more internationally.


Contact us


Facebook pages: Ywam Potchefstroom,  WikusChristien Vorster






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