Thankful for God's grace

Newsletter February 2024

Hi, to everyone. Hope you are doing very well and are energized for 2024. We pray that God will bless and protect you and that you will live in His kingdom in the coming year. Here is an update on what is happening on our side and what God is doing currently.

Elandri & Matthew’s wedding

Saturday 27 January we had the wedding of Matthew and Elandri. Elandri is the third child to get married and we wish them the best for their future. They are currently enjoying their honeymoon. Matthew is working for a company that does research on soil for farmers and Elandri is finishing her degree in music this year. She is also working as a violin teacher. She looked so pretty, we are thankful for everyone who helped to make it a lovely day! We pray for the lovely couple for their future together and their calling as they are very involved in their church, the community and with distribution of Bibles!

Francois and Andrea are going to Worcester.

Francois has been asked to help lead with the first deaf DTS (Discipleship Training school) in SA. He is very excited to be in God’s service and to work in Ywam again. Andrea is going to do DTS. For them they are leaving Potchefstroom for the next season. We hope and pray that their work will be fruitful and exciting. They drove their small car all the way to Worcester, and we are glad that they are safe. Please pray for them, the DTS and also their fundraising!

Job and Iida departing for Finland.

We had a good season with Job, Iida and Diina as they visited for 2 months from Finland. They could get maternity leave to come a bit longer to SA and attended two weddings. It was a very blessed time with them, and we are excited to see what God is doing in their lives. Job is on the church board and finishing his doctorate in Astrophysics for the next few years in Finland. Iida is a full-time mom and also volunteers at the church to do admin. Diina is growing up very fast and the 11th will be her first birthday. We had a small party for her before they left. Here are some pictures. We loved to babysit Diina, she is such a happy girl who loves the outdoors, animals and music!

So, we had a watershed time in January as all the couples are going in their different directions after the wedding in January.

What is coming in February?

We are also getting in the full swing of ministry in February. We have Nicolas and Nita visiting from Finland before Wikus is going to outreach to Eswatini for 10 days. We hope to have a very powerful time with a very good team as we will engage in some training of leaders in Eswatini.

Christien is starting with her online TPM (Transformation Prayer Ministry) school and Wikus will be starting with the Online Prophetic school after he comes back from outreach. Josua, Jonathan and Elandri will also resume university. We will also have personal sessions with people as we have different ministry appointments. In between ministry I will also be studying a theological curriculum that involves reading books and writing assignments.

We were invited to have talks with the Bafenyi trust weekly groups in Ikageng the 12th- 15th . We are excited to tell them more about Hearing from God, How TPM works and how to get out of a wrong mindset.

We have a busy time ahead in February and we pray for fruitful ministry.

Prayer topics:

1)    Please pray for the different couples on their journey (Job & Iida, Francois & Andrea and Matthew & Elandri)

2)    The start of the new prophetic and Tpm schools. Please pray for a good amount of students, staff and that we can get everything going smoothly.

3)    The outreach to Eswatini. Please pray for a fruitful time in Eswatini.

Contact us


Facebook pages: Ywam Potchefstroom,  WikusChristien Vorster




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