Exciting news and outreach update


Newsletter February 2023

 Hi, guys. Hope you are doing very well. As the world has its ups and downs, we can find peace in Jesus and follow the plan He has for our lives. In giving up everything and following Jesus we found that God is very much alive and that God’s ways is incredible wise. We have also learnt to follow Jesus even when we don’t exactly know where He is going. But we know where He is going to be a very pleasant and good surprise!

Here are our newest updates.

“Go and speak to the King”.

A year ago I was invited to speak on a biblical worldview topic in a DTS (discipleship training school) in Eswatini. Eswatini is a country of 1.2 million people that is surrounded by the borders of SA but a totally separately governed country. While I was driving back I felt the Holy Spirit say: “Go and speak to the king”. At that time there was riots and it was one of the most turbulent times in the history of Eswatini. I prayed what it is about and assembled a team to go on outreach to Eswatini, later the year. In that outreach we spoke eventually to someone very close to the king. While I drove back the Holy Spirit said: “Prepare a gift for the king.” I asked my daughter to paint a prophetic art piece and it worked out that we would be going again to Eswatini in February this year.

I went with the painting to Eswatini not knowing what to do with it. When we got to Eswatini we had a meeting with a person from the radio. She said: “If you want to see the king, he is meeting with the pastors this Saturday, but you must have a gift!” According to God’s voice the gift was ready!

When we looked at the painting Johannes thought about a book, he wanted to give to the king about SERVANT LEADERSHIP. When he got the book the chair on the front cover of the book was exactly the same as the one on the painting!

It was the opening event for the parliament and the government with prayer. It was a very interesting event where the king came in with his praise singers, his entourage that includes his 15 wives and the queen mother. We listened to all the pastors preaching and to a speech from the queen mother and the king. We then presented our gifts when it was time for the presentation of the gift. Please pray with us for the stabilization of Eswatini and dialogue to happen so that safety can be restored.

  Visit to Finland and Switzerland

Job and Ida got a baby about two weeks ago. Her name is Diina. She is a beautiful and healthy girl! We are trying to go from the 12-26th of April to visit them. We went for our visa appointment today and we have money for 1 ticket already. We still need the money for the second ticket. I was invited to Switzerland as well for a few meetings. I intend to go from the 27 April – 2nd May to meet with a few people. Please pray for us for this trip, we really need the grace of the Lord to get there. We are looking forward to meet the baby and to spend time with Job and Iida who is in Finland for a 4 year contract at the Helsinki university. Job is doing his doctorate in Astrophysics at the university. We also plan to meet some YWAM connections in Finland.

Busy with internet schools

Christien has over 50 people on her group for the TPM School including helpers for the school. It is very fruitful as we have small groups and personal sessions with each one. We have participants from many nations. We have continual sessions through the week with people as they are working through emotional issues and getting breakthrough and healing in their lives. Please pray with us for the students and staff of the TPM course. (Transformation Prayer Ministry)

Wikus has over 30 people on his prophetic school. We are helping people to walk in the prophetic with servant leadership, understanding and integrity. Different groups are starting to stand up and we have a nice group from Madagascar that is growing. We also have some leaders involved as we look how to get the prophetic growing in churches with wisdom and good oversight. A lot of people want to know how the Holy Spirit works and it is very exciting as we have a very nice international group from different countries. Please pray with us for these two schools.


1)      Our visit to Finland to go through. Please pray for our VISA applications, as well as the funds to pay for both our tickets. We are moving forward with the fundraising, still needs approximately R12000.

2)      Christien is developing an arts business to also help with income. See on Instagram and Facebook Mom&DaughtersArt. She included our two daughters in the business, both are very creative!  Andrea and Christien each has four paintings in our local Arts club art exhibition.

3)      For both our schools (TPM online and Prophetic school) and the School Of Marriage starting in March. There are still spaces open in this course, feel free to join!

4)      Please pray for our children who are studying – Josua (First Year Computer Science), Jonathan (engineering), Elandri (music), Francois (languages) and Andrea who has her own business.  


Email: ywampotch@gmail.com

Facebook pages:

Ywam Potchefstroom,  WikusChristien Vorster,  Operation Refugee-YWAM Potch,   Transformation Prayer – TPMSA 

Instagram: ywam_potch

Website: http://ywampotch.com


Paypal https://www.paypal.me/7Vorsters



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