Amaizing teaching opportunities


Hi to everyone. Hope you are doing very well! In this world that is on high alert we can focus on Jesus and follow Him. This gives life and purpose and makes life exciting and adventurous. Here are our highlights for the month past and the adventures waiting for the month to come.

Speaking at the discipleship training school (DTS) in Bethlehem

I got a call from the base leader in Bethlehem that they urgently need a speaker for the Holy Spirit week. It happened very suddenly as 2 weeks later I was teaching on the base. There were about 7 students in the DTS and it was their last week of lecture phase. I trusted the Holy Spirit for a big outpouring in the DTS and to show the students that God is alive and active, and that the Holy Spirit is our close friend, counselor and the one that should lead and guide us. The Holy Spirit was very faithful, and it was a very powerful and enjoyable week. I made a few more friends and visited the staff and the leadership on the base that is doing a very good job.

Please pray for the team’s outreach phase and for this base to grow and have even more impact in the community.

New marriage school

Ulbe and Marleen Tolner did a school in family ministries in Worcester and we became friends in that time. They are now school leaders on the internet for our Relationship and Marriage course and they have 6 couples that are doing the school. We did the first school around relationships with them, and it was a great blessing. This is the first time they present the school of marriage online. They compiled a handbook of all the material, and it is really good material for marriages

It is good to see that they are teaching into the refugee camp and marriages in Africa as the base in Dzaleka has stable internet. ! Please pray with us for the students, staff and that the Lord will bless the couples to share with more couples about Christian marriages and good communication!

Prophetic school at a church

City on a Hill allowed us to train a prophetic school in the church. We have about 15 students, and it is going very well. We can already see that the few weeks that we had already had an impact. Francois, Andrea, Jonathan and Josua is doing the school as well as others that staffed at our base. I also decided to do the theological training at the church and it is very good material. It is an internet course that takes about 20 hours a month. I am doing it for personal enrichment and also for the building of new relationships.  

We were also asked to present a short small group leaders training at our church for all the Light-group leaders – it really went well and we could see how we can be of help in the church.   

TPM and Prophetic school

We are currently busy with the TPM school (Transformation Prayer Ministry). I have small groups with the men and have about 7 men participating. It is good to have sessions with the men and to see them grow and see how they become more able to minister to others. We have men from Romania, Switzerland, Mozambique and Rwanda doing the sessions with me. Christien has various other groups and various other nations involved as well.

We are also busy with week 6 of the 10 weeks with our prophetic school. The group is growing in their understanding and hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. Understanding and walking in the Holy Spirit remains very important for missions and the church as a whole.

Visiting Job and Iida in Finland

We got our visas, and we are both booked for Finland. We are also going to visit some Ywam connections in Finland and we are going to attend a wedding of a friend that has been involved with us for many years. We are going from 12- 27 April and we will see what God has for us in Europe in the coming years. We are seeing God doing different and exciting things and we have learnt over the years to follow Jesus where He goes and to minister and bring life where we go. We praise the Lord for His provision!

Successful Prophetic art workshop

Andrea and Christien presented a very blessed prophetic art workshop the 17th. There were 7 students and they learned from Picture prayer to make a small painting in the theme of HE MAKES EVERYTHING NEW. We all were so blessed. We plan to do the same workshop in Johannesburg Linden in May. Thankful for the opportunity to bring a deeper relationship with the Lord using art. 


1)    1)    Please pray for the TPM, prophetic schools and the marriage school happening currently.
2)      Please pray for safety and fruitfulness on our trip to Finland.
3)      For all the kids that has ministries in the university and Job and Iida and Diina in Finland.
4)      For guidance of the Holy Spirit as we follow Jesus in our new season.
5)      We constantly do a lot of TPM session and we ask for your prayers for that too – it is not something we can testify about in our newsletters, but we really praise the Lord for a lot of Truth, Light, Healing and restoration that takes place in our TPM sessions!

6) 6) Wikus will also preach at Rhema Potch on Sunday - please pray for this great opportunity!!



Facebook pages: Ywam Potchefstroom,  WikusChristien Vorster,  Operation Refugee-YWAM Potch,   Transformation Prayer – TPMSA 

Instagram: ywam_potch





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