Happy 2023- blessings from Potch


Newsletter January 2023

Hi, happy new year to all! Hope it will be a very blessed year and that you will get the breakthroughs that you are praying for. Please be in contact if you need a TPM session or prayer. We would like to hear from you.

Dzaleka refugee camp outreach

From the 11 - 23 December we were at the Dzaleka refugee camp speaking on the Discipleship Training school. It was my first time at the base that has been recently built. I was amazed at how well the base was doing. They have about the size of a rugby field on which they could plant, their own soccer field and quite a big building that can host 40 students. I could really see the blessing of the Lord on the base, and it is led by X-refugees!

We were asked to speak at the first DTS of the base. There were 11 students and I spoke on the subject OF FROM REFUGEE TO CHAMPION. Christien joined me a week later and she spoke on HEARING GOD’S VOICE AND COUNSELING. The base has solar power electricity, and we had a lot of rice and beans.

I visited some of the houses of the guys doing DTS and me and Christien also went into the camp. Although I was there earlier I was once again shocked by the poverty and it was really difficult to see the circumstances in the camp. When we walked back to the base, we walk past three one-year old’s eating rice out of a plate in the dust close to some of the open drains. As we continued to walk the base came into view and it looked like a building towering over these mud houses, bringing hope. The Ywam base really has a big calling to serve the refugees in the camp (currently 55000 refugees from DRC, Burundi etc.) as it has the potential to train and educate people.

There was about 5 staff that is really dedicated and I was very impressed with the work ethic of the base and how the staff and the school were operating. It was really a proper DTS and a lot of transformation took place in the lecture phase and the outreach phase. All the staff also had big and influential ministries in the camp. I was very proud as this base was build as a direct result of an outreach from Ywam Potch, and Operation Refugee Africa that was started from Ywam Potch.

Ywam Blantyre did a great job in training the refugees and the partnership between the two bases really gave birth to something influential for the refugees at that camp. In my discussions with the base leaders there is really a vision to plant different schools of the University of the Nations (of YWAM). This can create many refugee missionaries and help with much needed education! The international people coming and going from the base are very precious as the various connections and cross pollination of cultures can open a future for many people.

I was looking at the camp and praying for the M23 situation in the DRC. Then I saw a vision where the Holy Spirit showed me pills that can heal a sickness. I asked the Holy Spirit what these pills are, and I felt the Holy Spirit saying: “Pray for many leaders to be developed from this base”.

The base is really a place where true indigenous leadership development is happening. The central African region is the home of many tribes and a worldview that is very foreign to many people in more developed countries. Please pray for this very important work that can raise a lot of really good leaders for the central African region and beyond. The DTS team is currently on outreach in Malawi. Please pray for many to be reached during their 2 months of outreach.

Outreach to Eswatini

I have another outreach coming up in Eswatini. The situation is currently very volatile as there seems to have been a political assassination recently. There seems to be a lot of tension between Christianity and ancestor worship as the country is moving more and more towards Christianity and out of the roots of ancestor worship that has been there for many generations. Please pray for our safety and that we will be wise in doing what God wants us to do in our time in the country.

New internet schools starting

We are starting in mid-February with the new PROPHETIC SCHOOL and the new TPM SCHOOL. This is a time where we can make a lot of new contacts with new people that many times become new friends as we walk together. The Transformation Prayer Ministry continues to really help with trauma and to help people work through difficult times and emotions. There is always need for this school and the results are always very good as those THAT THE SON SETS FREE ARE FREE INDEED!

The Prophetic School answers a lot of questions about the work of the Holy Spirit from the Scripture and help people to activate a living relationship with the Holy Spirit with safety and mentorship along the way. The school helps people to get breakthroughs and can bring a lot of joy in people’s lives. Feel free to join us – see ywampotch.com

Job and Iida about to become parents

·         Any time now the baby of Job and Iida is coming. Please pray with us for a safe delivery and a joyful time as they welcome their first child.

·         We are also thankful to celebrate the twins 21st birthday this week.

·         Our kids will start with their University studies again in February, please pray with us for their provision.


Email: ywampotch@gmail.com

Facebook pages:

Ywam Potchefstroom,  WikusChristien Vorster,  Operation Refugee-YWAM Potch,   Transformation Prayer – TPMSA 

Instagram: ywam_potch

Website: http://ywampotch.com


Paypal https://www.paypal.me/7Vorsters



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