Vorsters' Newsletter October


 Hi, hope you are doing very well! Jesus is the anchor of our soul and we don’t have to live in fear when we are close to the Holy Spirit who tells us what is yet to come. Not only can we know what is to come, we can change it like Abram did when praying for Sodom and Gomorrah. So even during plagues and wars we can trust in the Lord.

John 16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

Southern-African leadership meeting

We travelled to the Western Cape for the leaders meeting of Ywam (Youth with a mission) South-Africa this week. This is always a very anointed meeting, and we heard what the Holy Spirit is saying to the global Ywam community. Over a hundred leaders in Southern Africa and the Islands attended it. We had a speaker that gave us new motivation to be like LIONS in the mission field. We also attended groups about Frontier Missions and how to mentor people.

Relationship school

We are currently doing our new internet relationship school. The school is being led by a couple that were trained by the family ministry school in Ywam. They are from the Netherlands, and we have about 8 students. They will also do a marriage school next year. We are excited to see that his school is working well and that this school seems that they will be launched successfully as internet schools.

TPM and Prophetic Schools Doing Practicals

We had good TPM and prophetic schools. The students are currently training prophetic words to each other and the TPM school are doing sessions with each other.

We had a national meeting of TPM last Saturday Dr Ed Smith that started TPM internationally was the speaker on zoom and we had 44 participants on the meeting. We have trained many people in the Potch area including students and we are currently talking with a group from Ikageng and Promosa to do the course with us next year. I have been doing sessions now at 3 different schools and it seems like a nice flow is starting in the communities with the counselling skill. It seems like we are making more inroads in the community with the more lightweight schools we have developed on the internet than with the DTSs. TPM is Transformation Prayer Ministry. DTS is Discipleship Training School (full time)

Josua on outreach

Josua is currently on outreach with the Worcester base in Namibia. They would have gone to the Philippines but not everyone got their finances. They would have been in the middle of a huge cyclone in Manila if they got their finances if they went. They are now in Windhoek in Namibia and are busy with fruitful work in that area. Josua seems to be enjoying it very much. Please pray for them to finish well.

Job got a doctorate position in Helsinki

Job was chosen out of twenty-seven applicants to have a doctorate job at the university of Helsinki. It is a great accomplishment for him in his area of expertise. He is studying astrophysics. He is going to Finland at the beginning of November. His wife is pregnant, and they are expecting the end of January. Please pray for Job and his family in this transition time. We will miss them a lot, but we know the Lord will guide and use them also in Finland. (Iida is from Finland).

Prayer topics:

1)    Please pray with us for Job and Iida and for Josua and his team. Josua finishes 9 December with his outreach and Job starts working in Finland beginning of November.

2)    Our other children are writing tests and busy with work at the University. Please pray for them too for good choices and their safety.

3)    For the YWAM SA leadership. The ministries are making great inroads in SA and are important for the future of SA as they are creating lots of Christian ministries in the country.

4)    We are still going to Uganda and Malawi in the last semester and will be travelling for seven out of the last 12 weeks of the year. Please pray for safety in the air and on the roads.

5)    Let us praise the Lord for opportunities to equip leaders in the community to reach the lost disciple people. We reached so many different leaders in countries where the material is not readily available.



Facebook pages: Ywam Potchefstroom, WikusChristien Vorster  Instagram: ywam_potch

WEBSITE: http://ywampotch.com 

BLOG: http://wikuschristien.blogspot.com

PAYPAL https://www.paypal.me/7Vorsters




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