Impacting Worldview


 Newsletter October 2021


Hi to everyone. Hope you are doing very well wherever you are and you are obedient to God’s voice and His call in your life! It is such a privilege to see God’s plan unfold as we continue daily to obey God’s will for our lives. May God’s plan unfold in your life as well!

 Both our boys attended a Matric Farewell at different schools – Josua went to Gimmies for his own Final year Celebration and Jonathan accompanied Mieke, his girlfriend to her Farewell at another school. We are thankful to celebrate the end of a season for us, finishing off with High School this year!


TPM ministry globally

 Christien had a very blessed year with the TPM as we had many people doing the course this year. This has also opened up many connections and we now regularly do sessions in other countries (E.g. England, Germany, Colombia, Australia, Malawi, Switzerland and many more). Next week I have somebody scheduled from Albania. In our previous session the person said it was the first time he met with somebody from SA! Every week we have a continual flow of sessions from anywhere and we really enjoy the flow of the Holy Spirit and how easy technology has made it. Our next Online TPM course starts in February – sign up!

Biblical worldview

 We are excited about our first biblical worldview school on the internet. We have 20 students and we are now finished with week two. We have 7 different countries involved and we are very happy to connect with India and to start to have relationships growing in India. We have one person that has 3 Christians and three Hindu’s in their immediate family. It is in this tension that we discuss the different worldviews and the ways we can testify and understand people coming from different worldviews! It is great to work together as the body of Christ, with Ratio Christi Student organization.

  Presentation of new refugee school

 I am in the final stages of the creation of a new refugee school for the internet. As the refugee crisis is global, the internet is a very good tool to start building relationships with people that have become refugees because of the crisis their countries are facing. We will have two parts to the refugee project. One is a manual that we translate into different languages and spread as far as we possibly can and the other is having an online school. We plan our refugee school tentatively for next year in April.

Preparation for DTS

 We are currently planning to have a Discipleship Training School at the end of January 2022. Everything is looking good so far and we are busy with visas for 2 more staff that have to come from other countries. We are working with a pastor that has bought a plot for missions. He has given us the possibility to run a DTS on the plot. We have started to plant and it is looking good to have a school focused on equipping students for farming and refugees.

 Speaking on a DTS in Swaziland

 In November the plan is to speak in Swaziland on a DTS on worldview. I am looking forward to traveling for the first time again after Coronavirus. As we are still in the pandemic, travel has been quite difficult but hopefully this time it will work to the neighbouring country. I have spoken at quite a few DTS’s this year and it is always a privilege to invest into students' lives!


Ø  Please pray for us to end 2021 well and also to plan and enter our next season

Ø  Our Children who are all growing and having challenges and opportunities

Ø  The students of the TPM school who are finishing their practical. TPM.

Ø  Our DTS students and staff who are fundraising currently

Ø  Wikus hurt his back and he went for treatment, we pray that his back and leg will heal soon. He can only walk short distances. Please pray with us for complete and quick healing.



Facebook pages:

Ø  Ywam Potchefstroom,

Ø  WikusChristien Vorster,

Ø  Operation Refugee-YWAM Potch 

Ø  Transformation Prayer - TPMSA






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