Februaty news - LIBERTY DTS

Hi! We hope that all our friends are well.
Thank you for all those that support us seasonally and continually. We pray that your seed may bring in a great harvest of souls. We have trained over 300 people and the impact of Ywam Potch is very difficult to measure. We have trained many counsellors that are doing sessions with people one- on- one and countless ministries have been started. The Holy Spirit has led us out of the “church paradigm” into a much more powerful paradigm for the Kingdom, yet it is difficult to measure. All we know is to train and train and to establish a truly spiritual training centre. Please continue to pray with us as we can say that what we do is truly from God and is truly life. It is also truly difficult from time to time.

A new DTS has started – Liberty DTS !!!
Last year the Holy Spirit said: “Give up the Discipleship Training School and then I’ll plant the base.” It was a tough word for me but I obeyed. Last year November we heard we should start this February with a DTS and run two DTS’s this year. We also heard we should pray for 6 students.
So we have started and we have exactly 6 students. It is also a wonderful group! We have Congo, SA, England and Myanmar (Burma) involved in the DTS as nations. We have two staff that is co-leading the next DST with. They are very good leaders with proper commitment and we feel very privileged as the load of leadership has been taken from us.

A totally different dynamic with running dts in the University
We have seen a totally different dynamic at work which we are very excited about. We have 50 university students that want to help with outreach in the township. We don’t have the infrastructure to take all these university students to outreach but we are planning to take them 5 by five with the DTS. Also we have the house full to the brim when the university students come to worship with the DTS. We had quite a learning curves in this city.
What I have learned is the most important thing is to establish a culture and an atmosphere. We had a visiting speaker from Cambridge University and she enjoyed the culture in the Ywam house a lot and she made a lot of friends. For me that was a good sign that the culture and atmosphere are now established. We are praying to plant another Ywam house in this year and it looks very positive. But we are not going to count our chickens before they hatch but we are very encouraged.

Working on a student leadership in the second house
The most difficult part is to establish the mould. After establishing the mould, multiplying the mould is easier. We went through painful growth processes to establish whatworks in a student community and also in the local city. There was a lot of spiritual warfare and a lot of relationships that had to be established but we are now starting to get nice momentum. When we look back at the guidance of the Holy Spirit we see that God has made space for our kids and our family. We could have grown faster but losing your family is not real growth in the end. Now our children minister with us and it means a lot to the students. As a family we are also there to at least run two DTS’s in a year. Now with more experience and double the speed of the DTS’s we are getting very excited about where we are going..

Outreach to Congo and Burundi
We thank God for a big donation from a Ywam base. We are very thankful for the Ywam international network and it has helped to be able to buy my ticket. We look to do the first DTS in Congo. We really need your prayers as it is a very important and historically difficult country. Yet when we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit the wind of the Holy Spirit comes up and brings restoration.
The outreach is coming up in April and we are excited and a little bit apprehensive as we wait to see what God is going to do.

 Our children - who have to give up a lot to host 9 other people in our house
 The DTS staff - as they have a very important role
 The DTS students – it is a big move to give us 5 months for God and to let go of your comfort zone.
 Prophetic school - that started Tuesday evenings with new and old students
 TPM counselling - school that will run for 4 Saturdays, starting 9 March.
 Rest and energy to run this busy race with joy and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
 DRC and Burundi outreach – please pray for our small team, finances and safety.

Wikus 084 5490914 /Christien 082 9666753
Email: ywampotch@gmail.com
FACEBOOK PAGES: Ywam Potchefstroom;
WikusChristien Vorster; TPMSA -Transformation
Prayer Ministry
WEBSITE: http://ywampotch.com
BLOG: http://wikuschristien.blogspot.com
Transformation Prayer Ministry
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