Missions opportunities - October News


Two Discipleship Training Schools  (DTS) in 2019
For the first time YWAM Potch is going to run 2 DTS’s in a year. Because of the success of the previous DTS’s and because we have slightly more staff we are able to run more DTS’s. We are looking now to start training school leaders for every DTS. In the near future we are looking to rent another house to complement the existing property we are using. When we run 2 DTS’s it is far more doable to rent a permanent property close to our existing property.
Our dates are 15 February and 1 September for the upcoming DTS’s (discipleship training schools).
Mission promotion opportunity
On the weekend of the 13-14 Oct we have two opportunities to advertise for the upcoming DTS’s as there is a mission run by the students where we have an opportunity to advertise. We also have a church denomination the next day that has a mission day. We are thankful for these opportunities where we can meet people that are interested in missions.
RUN FOR THE NATIONS is held by the NWU Students @ the University sports grounds Sat 13 October from 12:00 EVERYONE WELCOME !
TPM students qualified
29 September we had a great day where counsellors where qualified to help others. It was a qualification day for Potch. 20 October we have the qualification day for Fochville. We have amazing students and we see continual multiplication for the kingdom as we can qualify about 20 people between these two groups that now have ministries of their own and will see many people in the coming years.
Pastors conference with Stefaan Hugo
The weekend of the 21-23 September Stefaan Hugo (who is in the YWAM national leadership team) was invited to lead the pastor’s conference in one of the churches in Potch. We attended the pastor’s conference and had a great time with Stefaan. Next year Stefaan is going to be up to 10 months of the year in Europe ministering about the Holy Spirit.
Prophetic school coming to a close
Practising during Prophetic school
We had a wonderful prophetic school for about 22 students. We saw a lot of miracles as some people had visions that confirmed what other people saw and could have been no co-incidence at all. The fruit of the prophetic school is small groups coming together spontaneously to train their gift. We saw a lot of power and excitement from the students and we are looking forward to see great fruit from those who took part in the school. We are doing our last school Saturday 27 October.
YWAM Southern-African regional leadership conference coming up
From the 21-25  October we have a leadership conference in Durban. There we get the international report for the local YWAM bases. It is always very exciting to hear from all the bases and to see the new bases coming up and the new leaders every year. We need about R1100 for Wikus who hope to attend. We also need to drive up to Durban, we really pray to take our staff Thabo and Sango with. Please pray for our funding as YWAM is a complete faith-based organisation.
·        We are thankful that we could buy Wikus’s flight tickets for Switerland – YWAM / UN meeting (THINK TANK and HEALING THE WOUNDS OF WAR @ UN) Christien’s ticket was sponsored. We are also thankful to say we are now busy with the VISA process. God is really providing for the trip.
·        Please pray for your UNO:  we got the car to save on transport cost, but now the gear box broke and it is still an unplanned cost of R5000. We really work hard and pray to cover this cost too! And praying for provision for our family’s transport.
·        Thankful! The twins both have testimonies on how the Lord provided for them to play musical instruments. Jonathan plays electric guitar, Elandri plays violin. Praise the Lord!
·        Please pray for YWAM Potch and 2019 – our DTS’s, outreaches and also our new staff. We really need the Lord to bless and guide us.
·        We are thankful for the opportunity where Wikus is doing a Mentorship program with a small group. This is really blessed – please pray for our students and this program!
·        Please also pray for our TPM National conference coming up 23-25 November in Bela-Bela (Cost is R750 pp).

Wikus 084 5490914 /Christien 082 9666753                                                         
Email: ywampotch @gmail.com
Facebook: Ywam Potch; WikusChristien Vorster     
Website: http://ywampotch.com
Blog: http://wikuschristien.blogspot.com
·        Transformation Prayer Ministry http://tpmsa.info.com
·        TPMSA App to connect with TPM facilitators in SA  > Download for Free from Google Play store
Account details: EC Vorster Standard Bank Potchefstroom Cheque account. 030584566
Paypal https://www.paypal.me/7Vorsters
Books - BUY Wikus’s ebooks online at http://lulu.com


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