Equip and disciple

Dear Friends and Prayer Partners

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We have lived from 2011 by faith in Ywam and we regularly look at the fruit of our ministry to determine if it is worth the sacrifice. We thank everybody that’s involved in any way. It has been both very difficult at times and at other times we were absolutely amazed by God moving in an amazing way. May God bless you!

Serving local churches through discipleship courses
We thank God for His wisdom and His strategy in our area. When we started the base we had literally 3 churches within 200 metres from our house. In Potch there are a lot of churches and we have big churches around the students. When I prayed I felt God saying: “South-Africa is over-churched and under-discipled”. We clearly felt lead to start with discipleship schools. In the beginning we just had schools with the community from different backgrounds. Now it seems we are moving into a new season.
In our home town there are many churches and each has its own doctrine. What was God’s call for us? When we got busy in the community, we found a very broken community under the layer of Christianity.
The DTS’s we ran we felt were very successful. We found the gospel very profound in its simplicity; having a healthy personal relationship with God and loving relationships with people. In this flow of our relationship with God “doctrine” is not really a problem because the core of our faith is the same.
As we grew as a family and a base we are now finding that our family is members of three different churches. All of our children are very active in their churches and attracting people to our discipleship groups. We are starting to build more trust as a base with the churches in our area.
We are currently running two schools that are specifically designed to strengthen and serve the churches and Christians that is looking for more:
·        Prophetic School – Four Saturdays.
·        TPM – Counselling course (two courses in Potch)
See our website / facebook for details.
Church growth because of the discipleship schools
One church asked us to present our Counselling school in their church. After the first school they did two other TPM schools in their church with 20 people in each school. This church grew to such an extent that the church was asked to talk to the synod about what they are doing in the church that causes the growth. The church moved from “doctrine” to “relationship” and immediately there was a multiplication effect in the church!
Now we have another church we are partnering with in Lenasia. With the prophetic school it seems there might be two churches and an organisation partnering with us! This gives us the unique possibility to serve the body of Christ as a whole and people can do our courses and go and use the course material in their churches.
Season for writing
Our children have vacation now and the university is closed for the winter vacations. It is also quite cold. Our next courses start at the end of July. This gives a good time for writing for me. We have already published two books to an ebook platform lulu.com. I have written another booklet about encounters with God and am now working on a book on the old and the new covenant. When we do courses this material helps a lot. You can order these books online and support us in such a way. See: http://lulu.com
Our 3 youngest kids doing the last TPM course
When we had an outreach from Hawaii the team bumped into our kids at three different churches and at the school. Because the last three DTS’s were in our house our kids was very involved. At the ages of 15 and 16 they wanted to do the TPM course as well. This morning our two sons did a prayer session with the person working in our garden!
Everywhere we are seeing the fruit of discipleship that brings a mission lifestyle as both Jonatan and Job are involved in weekly outreaches and all our kids are very active in their faith.
Sango really helping the orphanage
Sango co-ordinated 6200 children in the refugee camps with schools and pre-schools. Now, after his DTS he is helping us with the local orphanage. He is helping them get registered and to become professional. There are many difficulties in this process and they are looking for a new house to accommodate the children that is currently living at the orphanage. There are 35 children that relate to the orphanage. To find space for all these children is a challenge and the property needs to be legal in all facets for the proper registration of the orphanage. This process takes quite a while but Sango is doing a really good job with the management.
He also brought his two sons from Johannesburg to the base for the holidays – Please pray for Sango’s ministry in Potch, in Operation Refugee Africa and for his children.
Steven back to Congo
After doing an YWAM leadership school in Malawi, Steven has been busy building a house for a lady in the refugee camp in Malawi. He also arranged a wheelchair through sponsors, see the photo. He is planning to go home to Congo soon. He is still praying about his next season in Congo and waiting on God. Please pray with him.
Prayer topics:
ü  Sango is growing in his calling. Please pray for  him, his sponsorships and for the orphanage.
ü  We start with three more schools in July. Please pray for the right people and the schools.
ü  The new book on the new covenant Wikus is writing.
ü  Steven’s new door that opened in Congo. Please pray for wisdom for him.
ü  We really thank the Lord that we are moving ahead with the small car that is fixed. We got a donation to help with this.
ü  Praying for funds for YWAM/UN meeting of Operation Refugee we have in Europe later this year.

Wikus 084 5490914 /Christien 082 9666753                                                          
Email: ywampotch@ gmail.com
FACEBOOK PAGES: Ywam Potchefstroom; WikusChristien Vorster; TPMSA -Transformation Prayer Ministry                      
Transformation Prayer Ministry http://tpmsa.info.com
TPMSA App to connect with TPM facilitators in SA
Free from Google Play store – click here:

ACCOUNT DETAILS: EC Vorster Standard Bank Potchefstroom Cheque account. 030 584 566

BUY Wikus’s ebooks online at http://lulu.com


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