7Vorsters Good News !! March 2018

Hi from Potch. 

We praise and thank God for all He is doing. It is a privilege to be busy with God’s work and to help people in desperate need. It is not always easy to understand things in this world and why they happen as they happen but as we draw closer to God He brings peace in every situation and gives understanding.

My personal journey - Wikus
I did my DTS in 2009 and God put me on a journey of world missions from then. My first real struggle was to let go of my own control especially when it came to finances and to live by faith. This remains probably the major thing that keeps people from missions in Ywam. It is something you can only pursue when you have the word of the Lord. 9 Years later I look back and it has not been easy but it has been a life of real purpose. We have helped thousands of people to discover God’s light in their lives and we have trained 270 people in this time which we don’t have an idea what the impact is but it has affected many thousands according to my calculations.
We had a lot sometimes and very little at other times but my inward peace grew through the years and now I can see more and more how we live in inward bondage as communities and the way to freedom. My biggest reward has been the inward peace, my children that are living close to God and many friends we have made along the way. Unfortunately we also made doctrinal enemies in Potch as doctrine is a huge thing in Potch. It is inevitable as there are different streams of Christianity in Potch. Yet I know that we preach gives life and therefore we will continue to live this life-giving gospel.

Teaching in Port Elizabeth
I was invited to teach in Port Elizabeth by the base leader. When I got there the YWAM students of Muizenberg, Port Elizabeth and Jeffrey’s bay was there. It was a privilege to teach and there were 19 students and staff out of many countries there. My week was about holiness and we went through how holiness looks in the New Covenant. It was a new subject for me and the research and the teaching was a blessing. It took me two 15 hour bus rides traveling but it was all worth it as it was a wonderful time with the students.

Our DTS teams on outreach in Malawi & Pretoria
One of our teams is in Pretoria at a church doing outreach after they did some outreach time in Koster, Ventersdorp and Ottosdal and the other team are now in Malawi. They have just finished three weeks in Nampula in Northern Mozambique at YWAM there. The teams have a huge impact as every day they engage with the communities in those areas. Thank you for all those that have helped financially and have prayed for them. We believe and know that a lot of fruit is flowing out of their work.   
The times of outreach is where the students put into practice what they have learnt and they grow immensely inwardly as they must learn how to minister and work together in teams. We have seen every time that the students come back more mature and how they are able to excel after their DTS because of many things they have learnt in the DTS sometimes under very difficult circumstances. Please pray for our teams to end well and for the debriefing and graduation-Pray also for them to make the right future plans and that God will lead them.

Courses we are busy with currently
We are currently busy with a prophetic school and TPM school in Potch and a TPM school in Lenasia (mainly Indian population). It is a privilege to spend time with people and especially with people that are being trained and that we know it’s going to bear fruit. We already have an open door for a counselling department at a Ikageng church that will be starting TPM after this school. With the prayer ministry we help a lot of people to hear God’s voice and to face issues, traumas and difficulties in all areas of life through the light of the Holy Spirit. It continues to be very fruitful and our success rate is very high as we have plenty of experience by now. We are busy organising a Gauteng conference for the TPM as well in May.

Prayer topics
o   Finances -PLEASE Support us in Prayer and financially to keep on doing Gods will; we need your financial support to keep on with this mission in Potch and in Africa.
o   Steven -Please pray for Steven our Operation Refugee staff while doing his YWAM Leadership school in Blantyre Malawi. We pray that he will grow as a leader and be very fruitful in his ministry.
o   Students -Pray for our DTS students, Our TPM students and our Prophetic school students who are all growing in a close relationship with Jesus and living out what they learn.
o   Car - We are also praying for a smaller car – our minibus is giving trouble and we need a smaller more economic car – we are saving up for this but donations will really help ;the price is around R30 000.
o    Kids -We also pray a lot for our kids who are standing up for Jesus between friends and the community. They need protection, God’s grace and emotional support!

Blessings !! 7Vorsters

 Wikus 084 5490914 /Christien 082 9666753                   Email: ywampotch@gmail.com
FaceBook pages: Ywam Potchefstroom ; WikusChristien Vorster
Website: http://ywampotch.com                           BLOG: http://wikuschristien.blogspot.com
Account details: EC Vorster Standard Bank Potchefstroom Cheque account. 030 584 566
PAYPAL https://www.paypal.me/7Vorsters Non Profit Company – YWAM Potchefstroom No. 2013/217961/08


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