Vorster's news ! 2018
Hi from Potch. Hope you are doing
very well as you help to advance the kingdom of God daily. We thank God for all
those that are praying, networking, helping and assisting the advance of the
gospel in any way. When the gospel is preached and obeyed individuals, families,
people groups and countries prosper. We have been clearly seeing when the
gospel is not obeyed how it can destroy a country like SA that has turned from
the brink thanks to those that have moral backbone. The gospel still need to
spread and do its work in Africa more and more through those willing to go. We
are doing what we can and we thank God that multiplies the two fish and five
Finishing with the DTS
lecture phase
We started the 18 tNovember with
the lecture phase and we are now in the 10th week of the lecture phase. Next
week we have an American speaker that does outreaches to Japan. We are going to
have outreaches to the university and then we start with a three week outreach
to SA after which we are going to Mozambique and Malawi. We have a powerful
group of students and we have 6 countries represented amongst the 11 students
that started the DTS.
We thank God and the students for
the commitment of five months in which they learn a lot and give up their
comfort zones to serve God’s kingdom. We have students from SA, Tanzania,
Congo, Botswana, England and Finland. It is great to see the multiplication God
gives as a school of five months takes great commitment and those that finishes
the DTS are normally of great quality and very useful in God’s kingdom. The DTS
is more a spiritual school and not a theological school. The students grow in a
living relationship with God and in biblical knowledge. They also grow in a
relational network that is global. You never stop to meet people as Ywam is
incredible big! Please pray for the students who are fundraising for their
outreach fees.
Speaking in Zimbabwe
I was invited to speak at the DTS
in Zimbabwe. It is a great privilege to assist with the DTS and the
discipleship that is happening in the growing of leaders in Africa. Now is a
time that Zimbabwe is opening up again for the gospel and where speakers are
welcomed and where the borders are open for international people. Earlier it
was possible but we always felt the pinch when we went up. Please pray with me
for the week and the country of Zimbabwe and the base that God has called to
raise leaders. I trust God to lead in what He wants to do. I am excited about
the opportunity and to see what God is doing in the country. I need to pay my
own expenses, traveling by bus to Zimbabwe (15 hours) so donations for the
travel cost will be appreciated.
Outreach to Northern Mozambique of the DTS
We are sending a part of the DTS
to a refugee camp in the northern part of Mozambique. There are a lot of
challenges in that area as there was war a year ago. There are also challenges
with sickness and infrastructure. We are going to support the long term
missionaries there. Please pray with us for this group going up there that they
might be safe from sickness, malaria and in general. The gospel is very
important to raise godly and wise leaders for the communities in Africa. The
infrastructure of Ywam is very good to spread the gospel and to raise leaders.
Outreach groups brings a fresh wave of people serving in different communities
and also bringing resources and people able and willing to do God’s work.
Andrea going to university
Job was very successful in his first year studying Science at the
University and Andrea is starting with consumer studies. Both Job and Andrea
are helping in the campus ministries and are growing their own ministries. It
will be the first year Andrea is out of the house and we are left with 3 of the
5 children in the house. We are faced also with the financial realities of two
at the university but luckily we seem to have smart children that help at this
stage. Job is helping with the TPM App as well and is involved in different
areas of the campus. We have now three of the family that is involved at the
campus and we have exciting different courses we plan to do on the campus.
Slowly but surely we are growing on the campus as we do different training
schools specifically designed for the students.
Prayer topics:
-Successfully finishing the lecture phase for
our DTS students.
Ø -3
Groups going in three different directions. Finances, health and protection for
the groups.
Ø -Week
teaching in Zimbabwe.
Ø -Personal
-Planning for the year and all the courses on
Jonathan & Elandri turned 16
084 5490914 /Christien 082 9666753
ywampotch @gmail.com
pages: Ywam Potchefstroom ; WikusChristien Vorster
details: EC Vorster Standard Bank Potchefstroom Cheque account. 03 058 4566
Profit Company – YWAM Potchefstroom No. 2013/217961/08
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