Job's News - Prepare for Namibia Outreach
Pre Outreach Newsletter
August of Living Loved DTS 2016 of Job VorsterGreetings!
It is going excellent in all fronts in the DTS. Time is going much more quickly than I expected! God
is even more close and yet mysterious than ever before. He continues to break paradigms
wherever we allow Him to. It is going well with all the students relationally. There is a surprising
unity among the students that I did not expect, which is excellent. Praise Jesus! Everybody’s
hearts are now starting to get ready for outreach, which will start on September 12 in Namibia.
Our Lectures continue to be excellent. Im going to share a few things that really profoundly affected me.
• God uses really useless,bad people and changes them into heroes for His purposes, nobody who is willing is too bad or dirty for God. Just look at the people we so look up to in the Bible:
Moses the murderer,Gideon the coward,Samson the fornicator,David the adulterer,Peter the racist(Galatians). God has used all these people amazingly. Not because they are good, at all. But because He is good and can change anybody with His Holy Spirit.
• I realized that I have to trust God that He will still work through me even though I am actually
surprisingly(to myself) selfish and unfaithful. Still He is good. Still Christ lives through me.
• I realized I have to trust other people. Love them even when they hurt me, and forgiving myself
when I hurt them. Each person has an intricate value that cannot be counted. For they are made
in the image of God.
General living
We have been living good together, I am experiencing greater closeness with the other people on
the base. That is refreshing. I am still missing home alot. We had two outreaches to a local area
called Retreat where we played with children and did some informal evangelism. It was very good
and it excites us for Namibia.
We have finally gotten most of the important information down for the outreach. We are going to
Namibia for two and a half months. Then we are going to Port Elizabeth More precisely:
• Keetmanshoop : We are going to work with churches and ministries in the area for about 2 and a
half weeks
• Reheboth : We are also going to help churches and minsitries in the area. Possibly lead entire
church services
• Windhoek : We are going to work with young
people and churches and possibly schools in
Namibia’s capital
• We are going to work with some native Khoi-San
people about 600km from Windhoek
• We are also going to Port Elizabeth for three weeks
working with the YWAM base there.
Outreach Finances
The total cost of the outreach is R20000. That includes our flight tickets to Windhoek,Port Elizabeth
and back to Cape Town afterwards. It also includes all our food, accommodation,transport and possible ministry costs. We as a group are trusting God to help us with about R130 000 (the YWAM letter is bit off-date) to let everybody go on the outreach.
Here is an interesting testimony:
Our leaders arranged a day where we had to pray for the finances of the outreach. They also told
us we should pray about if we should give anything. That day we wrote everybody’s amount still
outstanding and asked them there status. We then prayed for the people’s finances and our
leaders asked us to pray about how much we should give. At the end of the session we gathered
R20 000 among the group. It amazed me how 14 young people could be so gracious in there
giving. I felt led to give an amount and I was also blessed with R6300! We are trusting God for the
finances. If we can trust the Creator of the universe with our eternal destiny, money should be
nothing to Him!
I have R10300 already paid of my outreach fees. That means I only need R9700 for everything to
be payed off. Our group also needs R130000 like said above.
Would you please consider helping either me or the group with any amount of money.
Prayer Points
• For the groups’s health and safety throughout the outreach.
• That we will meet the people we need to on the outreach
• That the power of God will follow us. That we will not come with human wisdom but with God’s
• For our leaders to make wise decisions and so that we will be humble and follow
• Finances for the Outreach for all the students
• So that we will grow in knowledge of God’s love for us and the people of Namibia!!
Thank you very much for reading my newsletter! May the grace of the Father,Son and Spirit be
more of a reality to you. For we do not serve an idea but an infinite Person!
Job Vorster
Bank Details:
Name : JM Vorster
Bank : Standard Bank
Account Number : 100 7912 9984
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