Our DTS doing outreach in Johannesburg - Diepsloot

Hi from Potch. May God bless you and may you be led by the Holy Spirit in 2016. Here is our latest news .

End of DTS lecture phase, start of DTS Outreach!
We started in  November with a new group from 7 different nations. We had a wonderful journey and the students were a great pleasure to work with. They finished on the 12 February with a lecture phase graduation dinner. 10 students graduated their lecture phase.
Now we have 5 students that are doing local outreach and 5 students that are busy with national and international outreach.
The 5 students that are busy with local outreach are planting cell-groups in Ikageng and in town. They are also doing outreach on the university and are making disciples through friendship.
Wilbert has in mind to plant at least one church and he is busy with helping another church to be planted in Ikageng.

Lana is planting a cell-group - she has a very interesting discussion group among the students where they are discussing all kind of topics where everybody talk about their ideas on life.
Christian is busy with outreach in Ikageng and is helping the church in their youth and are discipling young guys.

Team that is going national and international
The one team of the outreach are going to Ennerdale, Potch, Ventersdorp, Ottosdal, Johannesburg and Malawi. Currently they are in Ventersdorp and the team are really on fire. They received very good reports from the places they have been so far and they have testified in churches, done open air services, done kids ministry, door to door evangelism, youth ministry and have also preached in churches. As each one in the team are from a different country they are a very interesting group and the are really making inroads as they have already testified to Muslims, Pakistani’s, Congolese, many that are involved in ancestor worship and many more.

In Ottosdal they worked with a Christian school of about 160 children. They also ministered at a high school on a farm with also 150 children. We praise God for the tremendous opportunities  that God is opening up and the sheer amount of ministry opportunities the DTS group is getting.

The second part of outreach will be In Malawi where the DTS is going to spend time at the Blantyre base, a Muslim village and also a refugee camp.
I am also probably going with an group of Johannesburg to the Muslim village and the refugee camp.
Steven that spends 8 years in this refugee camp can now go back to the same refugee camp and testify about the light of God. We look forward to see what God will do with refugees as there were now the most refugees in the history of mankind at 160 million. We are privileged that we can see how God saved Steven and is now transforming his life.

What is Job doing?
Job is taking a gap year and is working as a waiter. He is saving money and preparing to go to DTS in August to Malawi. Next year he is planning to study quantum physics at the NWU.
Today the University was in lockup as there were strikes. The security is very high as some of the buildings in the Mafeking campus were burned. The Mafeking campus falls under the same government of the NWU  
It is a good time for Ywam as we are an organization that are truly multi-cultural and as a lot of the teaching are around worldview it brings people together that couldn’t understand each other previously.
We truly need to pray for the University campus as the destructive forces in South-Africa are attacking the educational facilities.

Prayer topics:
1)      Please pray for the DTS for more fruit as they are focused solely on preaching the gospel.
2)      Our local outreach team are also doing great work in the Potch, Ikageng area. Pray for real breakthroughs.
3)      We have a prayer counselling courses are coming up this Saturday. Please pray for a good course and contact with new students.
4)      Andrea is in matric and Job is preparing for the DTS. For both of them it is a crucial year and they need a lot of prayer.
5)      Financially Job needs to go and study and school fees are very high for the other 4 kids. We are really in a time we need God’s help to get all the children through university while relying on the provision of God as we receive no salary from YWAM.

Please Keep Contact
Phone: Wikus 084 5490914 Christien 082 9666753
PHOTOS - visit our FaceBook page: Ywam Potchefstroom 
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Non Profit Company – YWAM Potchefstroom No. 2013/217961/08


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