Newsletter Febr 2013 - Radio...
Hi, from a sunny Potchefstroom, South Africa. It is
very green and regularly 35 degrees at the height of summer.
We were busy setting up everything this month for
staff and schools to start building a foundation for God’s kingdom in Potch and
the surrounding areas. Here is the newest updates.
We found an YWAM
Wow, we have been searching for quite a while
sifting through a lot of houses. But it was all very expensive or too far from
the campus. But at last God’s blessing has come through. It looks as if it was
really worth the wait. This Thursday we are moving into a four bedroom house
with a flat. But we also have a very good deal on a plot(small holding) that
will go through in the next month. This will give us the ability to host teams
and to have place for the people that does courses in the vacation. The place
we are moving in this week is enough for the staff and the people here at this
stage. So it looks as if we will have two YWAM houses we will work from
shortly. One will be a staff house and one house can take staff and teams. Praise the Lord!
Staff news
Staff news
We had fun with Franzi from Switserland who visited
us the last 2 ½ weeks. She really was a blessing for us and the students.
Yesterday the students gave her a nice Birthday party. She provided the real
Swiss fondue! Pray for her as she travel for a while in SA and return to her
land of cheese and chocolate!
Jackie and Luisa arrived also this month, and they
are settling in school and in town. They need some grace with internet, school,
and adapting here. Jackie says the people of Potch are very friendly. They will
stay with us in the YWAM house. Please pray for them as they have a vision for
African ladies and for Botswana.
Talking on the radio
I was invited to talk on Radio Puk. It was very nice and I looked over Angus Buchan speaking
to the students as I was interviewed. The students packed the Amphitheatre with
3000+ to listen to Angus! .This is a sign that the students are open for Jesus
and His Power! Zandre interviewed me, he
was a missionary kid, a YWAM-kid and it
went well. There is about 6000 people listening to this station and I got a
call the next day from somebody needing ministry.
I am also talking to a Men’s student hostel of over
200 early in March and we hope God gives us favor. Pray that we make inroads as
we are mobilizing missionaries for God’s kingdom.
Possible teams coming
We are getting a possible team of 6 around April
and also in July both teams are from Northern America. We hope that we will be
a good destination for teams and that they will help the ministries in the
poorer areas. We pray that a lot of people will come into God’s kingdom in this
Course we are planning
Christienand her team is starting with a TPM course
early in March and maybe another one in April. The rest of us are planning a
possible mini-DTS in April. At this stage we have 7 full time staff and three
part time staff that help us out where they can. We hope that we can build as
many relationships as possible and show the good quality of courses available
in YWAM.
Holy Spirit weekend
In April we are planning a Holy Spirit weekend with
Stefaan Hugo. He already visited 71 countries teaching on the Holy Spirit. We
pray for 100 people present at this camp. Stefaan is also the SA and the
Islands YWAM leader. It promises to be a life changing experience.
more details on :
Weekly community
On Thursday evenings we have community meetings. Everyone
We rent a
very nice hall walking distance from the university students. We praise God for
this privilege and it is even a better hall and closer than the one we
imagined. We already had two meetings and there was a lot of joy and
excitement. We are still smallish but we believe it will grow every week.
Prayer topics:
All the courses we initiate: 2 TPM courses in
March and April and the mini dts. Also a full time TPM course in June-July. And
the University DTS we plan for November.
The Holy Spirit weekend. It is just after the holiday
and we hope it will be a breakthrough for Potch. We might also receive people
from Tukkies.
The community meeting. That we will meet more
and more people and the the Holy Spirit will be there even more powerful.
For our finances. Through all the hustle and
bustle we had a very tough time financially. We need a few more sponsors if we
can stay in full time ministry long term. But we trust God.
Blessings from us and hope you are enjoying life
and prospering!
Wikus, Christien, Job, Andrea, Jonathan, Elandri and Josua Vorster
Contact us !
Phone: Wikus 084 5490914 / Christien 082 9666753
New Address: Wilgen Street 39A or
FaceBook: ywam potchefstroom /
WikusChristien Vorster
details: “Potchefstroom Abundant Life
Ministries” 912 0458 116 Savings acc ABSA Tom Str.
PayPal (easy internet donations):
*NEW Website:
On their way to athletics!
Job and Andrea went with me to Angus Buckan
@ campus
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