Enjoying SOAP..!
Wikus & Christien Newsletter August 2012
Hallo, from Worcester. 2012/08/24
What a month! Cold, windy, wet and quite a lot of snow on the mountains. We had excellent teaching in SOAP (School of Apostolic Pioneering)and every week was one new revelation after the other. What a privilege to hear from some of the most successful guys on the front-lines. The family is also busy with sport, school and speeches! We also had two birthdays!
Tim Svoboda: Ywam India
One of the speakers was Tim Svoboda. He started Ywam India in 1975! There were only 4 bases in the world (now about 1100) and he drove 40 days and nights from Lausanne to Calcutta with a team in an old Combi and a Peugeot! Then he started a ministry in Chennai and started 19 big ministries under prostitutes, people with leprosy, middle class Indian people etc. in the city. This changed the spiritual atmosphere of this big city. He then got a meeting with the city town planner that was the main planner of this whole city. There he heard that the city got 2000 new people per day. At that stage the city had about 8 million people with the infrastructure of 3 million. When he asked the city planner what the main problem in the city is he said unemployment for everybody. Today this person is working with Ywam to provide work in this city.The main message was how to take big cities for Jesus through Ywam ministries. It was a big shift for all of us. It was his first time in Africa and we were the first guys to hear him for a whole week. What a privilege.
Practical simple church planting in Avian Park
Every Friday we go out into the poor areas around Worcester as an experiment of the simple church that was developed by Floyd Mclung. I was in the poorest area with a pastor from Nigeria. The wind was ice cold as there was snow on the mountains. I had to jump over surridge that was flowing in the street. In the first house the smell of fish hit me. The smell of the surridge and the fish was just too much and we decided to go deeper between the zozo’s. I had to watch my feet as I had to sidestep some of the human waste on the ground. In the end we went into a small house. There were a lot of small children and a woman slightly drunk. We asked if the women wanted the Holy Spirit after we preached the gospel. She received the Holy Spirit and then started shouting at the top of her voice: “Help me Jesus, Help me Jesus!”, after a few shouts she started to scream: “Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus!”. Then I asked her to concentrate on what Jesus wants to say, she fell on the ground unconscious. As we prayed for her a demon manifested and went out. As she came back to her positive she could hear the voice of Jesus. She was now free! Her story was that her husband was hitting her with an axe. He also chased his 17 year old daughter away with a shovel. I looked at the small dirty children walking around with another baby on the bed. As I walked away I got the impression that a great tragedy was approaching that house, Yet God intervened and changed their destiny! The next week I went back to the same house. The lady looked very well, looking after her baby. I asked her about the liquor. She said that her lips didn’t touch liquor again for it is not worth it. Her husband and 17 year old daughter also received the Holy Spirit. God can and will change South-Africa if we have faith and if we are available!
Training coming up - TAC
For the month of October I will train Theophostic Approach to Counseling at the base. We were privileged to get quite a few people working at the schools in the area that are interested. The schools are the place where the destiny of South-Africa can change through Jesus. Please pray for this training as many souls can and will be influenced through this training. See more details : http://www.ywamworcester.com/tac.htm
Invitation to America
We were invited to America to join a big student conference of 20 000 students, URBANA. After that we are going to travel a few universities as well. To my amazement I was asked to present a powerpoint about the needs in Africa. I’m going to speak in front of some of these universities. I can see and feel God moving and this year has been one eventful year thus far with an encounter with Jesus around every corner. Attached to the newsletter is the invitation from USA.
Difficulties …
We hoped that this month will be good financially. We slipped further into trouble and we had to struggle on with a vehicle that needs to fixed according to certain standards – in order to be licensed again. We need approximately R8000 to fix the vehicle’s engine and to get licensed and we are R8000 behind on our 5 children’s school fees . Then we need R2800 for the VISAS and you can read the attachment of all the dollars needed for the USA -trip. We already have a friend who will sponsor the airplane tickets to USA. When I prayed about it I just felt the Holy Spirit saying: “continue to believe.” For my mind this seems impossible, but I decided to believe.
We thank all the people that stood with our (big) family. We praise God that we are now already at the end of August. I don’t know how we are going to reach the end of the year and go to the USA, but then I didn’t know how we were going to make it in February either : )
I firmly believe that with Ywam we can raise up an army that will defeat Satan’s kingdom in South-Africa , this can root out corruption, farm murders etc. I can see God moving with us to build everybody up.
Blessings - Wikus & Christien + Job, Andrea, Jonathan , Elandri and Josua
Prayer Points
• The children have their own struggles in the public schools; kids that bully, confront them with dirty language, a strict teacher who breaks kids down, Moslem friends, trying to win over friends who have problems in their families etc. It is great to see how God is giving then help & answers in these situations.
• Christien is well and busy running the household, doing the housing organization at the base and also arranging and advertising for the TAC course – pray for her to stay in God’s peace as there is so much to do!
• We already pray and look around for a house to rent on the Bult area close to the University next year. Pray for the perfect place to be our house and the hub for the YWAMers and students!
• Thank God for provision throughout this year and pray with us for the last few months for new breakthroughs!
Keep Contact :
Phone: Wikus 084 5490914 / Christien 082 9666753
New Address: YWAM Worcester Base Email: ywampotch@gmail.com / christienywam@gmail.com
More PHOTOS - visit our FaceBook pages: ywam potchefstroom / WikusChristien Vorster
Account details: “Potchefstroom Abundant Life Ministries” 9120458116 Savings account ABSA Tom Str. NEW BLOG: http://wikuschristien.blogspot.com/
See also PayPal on our blog (Donations)
Hallo, from Worcester. 2012/08/24
What a month! Cold, windy, wet and quite a lot of snow on the mountains. We had excellent teaching in SOAP (School of Apostolic Pioneering)and every week was one new revelation after the other. What a privilege to hear from some of the most successful guys on the front-lines. The family is also busy with sport, school and speeches! We also had two birthdays!
Tim Svoboda: Ywam India
One of the speakers was Tim Svoboda. He started Ywam India in 1975! There were only 4 bases in the world (now about 1100) and he drove 40 days and nights from Lausanne to Calcutta with a team in an old Combi and a Peugeot! Then he started a ministry in Chennai and started 19 big ministries under prostitutes, people with leprosy, middle class Indian people etc. in the city. This changed the spiritual atmosphere of this big city. He then got a meeting with the city town planner that was the main planner of this whole city. There he heard that the city got 2000 new people per day. At that stage the city had about 8 million people with the infrastructure of 3 million. When he asked the city planner what the main problem in the city is he said unemployment for everybody. Today this person is working with Ywam to provide work in this city.The main message was how to take big cities for Jesus through Ywam ministries. It was a big shift for all of us. It was his first time in Africa and we were the first guys to hear him for a whole week. What a privilege.
Practical simple church planting in Avian Park
Every Friday we go out into the poor areas around Worcester as an experiment of the simple church that was developed by Floyd Mclung. I was in the poorest area with a pastor from Nigeria. The wind was ice cold as there was snow on the mountains. I had to jump over surridge that was flowing in the street. In the first house the smell of fish hit me. The smell of the surridge and the fish was just too much and we decided to go deeper between the zozo’s. I had to watch my feet as I had to sidestep some of the human waste on the ground. In the end we went into a small house. There were a lot of small children and a woman slightly drunk. We asked if the women wanted the Holy Spirit after we preached the gospel. She received the Holy Spirit and then started shouting at the top of her voice: “Help me Jesus, Help me Jesus!”, after a few shouts she started to scream: “Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus!”. Then I asked her to concentrate on what Jesus wants to say, she fell on the ground unconscious. As we prayed for her a demon manifested and went out. As she came back to her positive she could hear the voice of Jesus. She was now free! Her story was that her husband was hitting her with an axe. He also chased his 17 year old daughter away with a shovel. I looked at the small dirty children walking around with another baby on the bed. As I walked away I got the impression that a great tragedy was approaching that house, Yet God intervened and changed their destiny! The next week I went back to the same house. The lady looked very well, looking after her baby. I asked her about the liquor. She said that her lips didn’t touch liquor again for it is not worth it. Her husband and 17 year old daughter also received the Holy Spirit. God can and will change South-Africa if we have faith and if we are available!
Training coming up - TAC
For the month of October I will train Theophostic Approach to Counseling at the base. We were privileged to get quite a few people working at the schools in the area that are interested. The schools are the place where the destiny of South-Africa can change through Jesus. Please pray for this training as many souls can and will be influenced through this training. See more details : http://www.ywamworcester.com/tac.htm
Invitation to America
We were invited to America to join a big student conference of 20 000 students, URBANA. After that we are going to travel a few universities as well. To my amazement I was asked to present a powerpoint about the needs in Africa. I’m going to speak in front of some of these universities. I can see and feel God moving and this year has been one eventful year thus far with an encounter with Jesus around every corner. Attached to the newsletter is the invitation from USA.
Difficulties …
We hoped that this month will be good financially. We slipped further into trouble and we had to struggle on with a vehicle that needs to fixed according to certain standards – in order to be licensed again. We need approximately R8000 to fix the vehicle’s engine and to get licensed and we are R8000 behind on our 5 children’s school fees . Then we need R2800 for the VISAS and you can read the attachment of all the dollars needed for the USA -trip. We already have a friend who will sponsor the airplane tickets to USA. When I prayed about it I just felt the Holy Spirit saying: “continue to believe.” For my mind this seems impossible, but I decided to believe.
We thank all the people that stood with our (big) family. We praise God that we are now already at the end of August. I don’t know how we are going to reach the end of the year and go to the USA, but then I didn’t know how we were going to make it in February either : )
I firmly believe that with Ywam we can raise up an army that will defeat Satan’s kingdom in South-Africa , this can root out corruption, farm murders etc. I can see God moving with us to build everybody up.
Blessings - Wikus & Christien + Job, Andrea, Jonathan , Elandri and Josua
Prayer Points
• The children have their own struggles in the public schools; kids that bully, confront them with dirty language, a strict teacher who breaks kids down, Moslem friends, trying to win over friends who have problems in their families etc. It is great to see how God is giving then help & answers in these situations.
• Christien is well and busy running the household, doing the housing organization at the base and also arranging and advertising for the TAC course – pray for her to stay in God’s peace as there is so much to do!
• We already pray and look around for a house to rent on the Bult area close to the University next year. Pray for the perfect place to be our house and the hub for the YWAMers and students!
• Thank God for provision throughout this year and pray with us for the last few months for new breakthroughs!
Keep Contact :
Phone: Wikus 084 5490914 / Christien 082 9666753
New Address: YWAM Worcester Base Email: ywampotch@gmail.com / christienywam@gmail.com
More PHOTOS - visit our FaceBook pages: ywam potchefstroom / WikusChristien Vorster
Account details: “Potchefstroom Abundant Life Ministries” 9120458116 Savings account ABSA Tom Str. NEW BLOG: http://wikuschristien.blogspot.com/
See also PayPal on our blog (Donations)
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