Your Position in Christ - a short message.

Once the Holy Spirit spoke to me: He said: "The most powerful position in the cosmos is your position in Christ." 

 At the time I did not understand the significance of what the Holy Spirit said. Later I realised that all positions in the world, whether it is being a pastor, an usher, a CEO of a company or any conceivable position is born out of our position in Christ. Such positions are temporary and is there for a purpose to serve on this earth but it does not determine who you are.

In our quiet times before God, God speaks to us. This is creation. Out of what God speaks life is brought forth, humanity is advancing. Our quiet times, hearing from the Eternal Creator is more precious than any sermon, speaking to any important person, president or any human with any position. It is when the Living God gives direction out of eternity, the fulness of wisdom to us personally even to the smallest detail we want. This position is available to all of us and out of this position before Christ even presidents are born. This position in the end has the most authority in all of creation. Search for that position before God. True and enduring greatness is born from there. Stay in that position as your position changes in life. From student, to staff, base leader or serving in any circle. Whether it is a servant at a restaurant, a mother of children. Whether it is in any position in a company, being a father, a son, a cop or whatever. Stay in the position before Christ. That will allow you to "fire positions" that you can be transformed from glory to glory. I have fired many positions. "Let go" of many positions.

Out of our position in Christ important positions are born and becomes disposable because the voice of the Lord births true human greatness. We all have access to the most powerful position in the universe if we have asked for the Holy Spirit and have looked to Jesus on the cross for our forgiveness. Search for no other position and at times fire your current position. Embrace new seasons out of the certainty of your eternal position. I have served in many powerful positions as they were birthed out of my position in Christ. 
My focus was never on the position but rather when to fire the position for my desire is forever to go back to the most powerful position in the universe. My position in Christ. My position in Christ is the dearest of any position. In fact earthly positions bring responsibility and stress. But in Christ we wait expectantly for the greatest persons I know: Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Father of all creation to speak. Whoever truly finds that identity will search for no other identity ever again for such a person has found him or herself in the light of their true Creator. Search for that position. 

That position will reveal your true identity, your genius and your sinfulness. But as you look with an unveiled face to God and behold his greatness you will start transforming from worm to butterfly.From butterfly to expressing eternal truths. From expressing eternal truths to becoming a leader where you are. From becoming a leader to becoming a servant showing others the pathway to their true identity. I have come to the conclusion that life is a struggle for identity. 

Whoever found identity, found peace. Whoever found peace is a success and have found happiness. That person will no longer strife to become somebody for they are someone, an amazing someone. They don't have to look for more money to satisfy their desires for they are satisfied. They no longer fear death for the have already died on the cross. A person that have found true identity has found life. That is all birthed from our continual position in Christ. 

Wikus Vorster    -


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