Testimonies of our online schools


Father's day celebration with our kids

Hi from a very cold Potch. We are in the middle of winter and nearly every evening is close to 0 degrees Celsius. We have come through a season of Corona on the base and unfortunately South-Africa is suffering under the virus currently. We got victory as a base and came through unscathed in the end thanks to God. Currently I am extremely excited. A lot of things seem to be coming together and it is incredibly exciting!  

Prophetic school online - testimonies

A few years ago we were busy doing evangelism in London but everyone was on their phone. As soon as we got close to people to speak to them, they grabbed their phones and then just walked past. I was astounded to what extent people were living on their phones in England! Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me, He said: “You have to get on people’s phones.” When Corona came we put the Prophetic school and the TPM school online and now things are cooking!! We have 4 books that people work through, 2 zoom meetings a week and a what Sapp group all the time, and it works very well! 

Discipleship online look different than DTS where people are on-site. Online schools can never replace DTS but it can still be extremely useful. We see incredible results with the prophetic school. One lady did the school as an African lady of 19 years after she came to know Jesus not too long ago. Today she is giving awesome prophecies. When she posts something it is pure and confirmed by the Holy Spirit as the word of God. This week one prophetic student started a ministry in Potch with a specific verse. She then gave a prophecy for the school and it was the exact same verse as the ministry that was started! They do not know each other as she was from the previous prophetic school. The possibilities for that are almost “impossible”! It was from the same Holy Spirit.

We have over 80 people involved in the school. 14 People staffing either as staff for the school, counsellors or translators for the school. It is a serious school getting great results. 

The strength and weaknesses of online schools

Online people can hide as much as they want. Some people just try to get the material and they don’t participate at all, some start off well and then when they feel they have grown enough and their needs are met, they just kind of disappear. Others get more and more excited as the school goes on and they finish the school and qualify as serious prophetic people for their nations.

One such person is Komi from Togo. After finishing the school he said he wants to translate the material to French. He then translated 4 handbooks and all the PowerPoint’s! He also single handily got 50 people to the next school and translates in the school as well from English to French.

There is some incredible world class capacity in Africa. I have discovered individuals from Malawi, DRC, Rwanda and Togo that are really impressive!

The major strength of the online schools is the sheer masses that can do the schools online! The online reach is truly impressive. We currently have 17 countries involved and the fact that we can reach the bush- bush also now with the internet in Benin, Burkina Faso, DRC etc, is encouraging.

The weakness is people can just hide if they choose. Our school is open to anybody of the public - so it will feed many people doing the DTS later and it also discovers many Ywamers that are not at a base but want to connect with Ywam again.

Ø  We need sponsorships for  over 30 students from Africa – please pray about sponsoring a student for $35.

Sponsored for a vacation

Someone from our family gave us a vacation out of the blue. For us it is a wonderful break (although our school continues) to get out of the cold and finish off this season. The last few months were both times of incredible breakthrough and a war with Corona. The CONSTITUTION OF THE CROSS got us free but it was still a war and we are relieved to just take a break. Please pray with us. God in His wisdom helped us to put all our courses on our computer and we can run our schools now from anywhere in the world (depending on the internet strength in the area). 

TPM online school starting soon

We start with our second TPM Online course next Saturday – we are excited to have 29 people on the WhatsApp group, some will staff, some will do the course the first time, and some will attend it a second time to really get hold of everything! The TPM group is from all over the world, and we usually become like family, sharing deep emotional stuff and also sharing in a CARE FOR OTHER PEOPLE, wanting to HELP but not in our own strength, but in Jesus!! 

Andrea and Francois got engaged

Our daughter Andrea got engaged to our previous school leader this week. We worked with him for close to two years before he let us know about his interest in our daughter. We love and trust him and know that this will be a couple of excellence. I met Francois by talking on a DTS in Johannesburg. Little did I know I just met my daughter’s husband! But we have peace and are very excited for them. He is a student at NWU and Andrea finishes her course this year. Please pray for them for the new season.


Ø  Please pray with us for the students in our two online schools.

Ø  Pray for our kids writing exams and finishing the First Semester.

Ø  Protection from sickness and wisdom in these Corona times.


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