Exciting discipleship & ministry - New May 2023


Wikus & Christien

Newsletter June 2023

Hi everyone. Hope you are doing very well. The gospel is truly the saving grace for our world! I hope you are walking in grace and have hope even as everyone faces many challenges currently.

The importance of the gospel has never been as clear to me as it has been now. I was listening to an economist this month about the economic prospects of SA. He said: “Three things are needed for prosperity, an internet connection, a relational net and moral values”. Then he continued: “Every society that have good moral values bounce back very quickly.” His point around the internet connection was also worth noting for our base. After Corona the world has shifted, and most professionals are relying far more to work online than before.

Global leadership meeting

Ywam has a global leadership meeting this year in Thailand. It only happens every four years. It is the first time I feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to go. I plan to go as representative of the Africa Refugee circle to go and see what God is doing and to get connected globally. Our whole light-weight base has geared up to be able to travel and to continue with discipling groups even when we travel. I will need about R20000 to get to Thailand and to pay for the conference. Please pray with me, Christien is also praying about accompanying me.

Our biggest need is discipleship.

When I was in Kinshasa last year I was going to speak before a pastors meeting. One of the pastors has 8000 people in his church. I asked him: “What is the biggest need you have in your church?” His reply was: “discipleship!”.

This week when we prayed the Holy Spirit showed me the feather of a dove. The feather was very light but was designed for a specific purpose. It was designed for flight. Even the whole bird’s bone system is very light that the bird can fly. We are very excited at the lightweight schools that have been produced and are being produced for the advancement of the kingdom of heaven. We have become professional discipleship trainers and we are looking to work closer with churches as the short-term lightweight schools gives the extra advantage that it is a lot easier to have win-win relationships with churches. We will present even more short term, light-weight impactful courses in the future!

Studying theology at an international church movement

In my working with a church, I have decided to do an internet theology school of two years. It takes about 20 hours a month. The reason I am doing this is for personal enrichment and to build a partnership with an international church movement.

It is very beneficial for me to be able to minister at Ywam but also to work with life-giving churches in order to bring advancement to the kingdom of God.

Potholes and load-shedding create good spiritual leaders.

Currently SA is going through a very difficult winter. Today we had 10 hours without electricity. Tonight, we will spend 4 hours in the dark and the cold.  It is a type of wholesale emotional persecution everyone must go through currently in SA. This has brough the church to be more devoted to God, to pray more and to search for the will of God.

The biggest persecutor in the history of the church was comfort. In SA the church is persecuted by severe discomfort. It seems to be fuel for the growth of the church.

Planning an African refugee conference

We are working on an YWAM African refugee conference in the first semester next year. Please pray with us. The conditions of the African refugees are truly difficult. Most refugees live under 1$ a day. To get different areas travelling over borders is a challenge but we serve an amazing God! Please pray with us!

Andrea and Francois going to Uganda

We are very grateful for Andrea en Francois that they as a couple are eager to attend an YWAM mission’s mobilization conference in Uganda. Please pray with us for their last funds to come in, that they can cover their cost and have a safe and fruitful trip!

TPM has a new textbook

Christien is very excited about the new streamline Transformation Prayer Ministry textbook from Dr. Ed Smith of TPM international– this will be the handbook for the new training starting end of July. Let us know if you want to join the course. We are still very busy with TPM sessions every week, we see God’s healing and power – as He speaks TRUTH and LIFE in each person’s life !


·         Please pray with us for our next online courses that starts end of July – TPM and Prophetic school. These courses have produced a lot of people who minister in these fields in God’s Kingdom, all over the world!

·         We can really praise the Lord for the recent TPM, Prophetic and marriage courses that were very fruitful and effective, training people to Hear from the Lord and live by His will !!

·         Our children busy with tests and exams at the University please pray for Jonathan, Mieke, Elandri, Josua and Francois.

·         Our country where there are so many service delivery problems.

·         Please pray for our Operation Refugee members who have lots of financial and other safety problems. There is still a war in DRC and lots of people flee from their country to refugee camps, also to the one in Malawi.


Email: ywampotch@gmail.com

Facebook pages: Ywam Potchefstroom,  WikusChristien Vorster

Instagram: ywam_potch

Website: http://ywampotch.com


Paypal https://www.paypal.me/7Vorsters








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