Hi, from Potch. Hope you are doing well and have hope in this time. We have been fighting through a very cold winter and sky-high Corona counts in the country. Plus a free looting spree we had to live through as some trouble- makers tried to de-stabilise the country!

1 Cor 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Starting with a new DTS in 2022

For the first time since the outbreak of the Coronavirus we felt a release from the Holy Spirit to do DTS. And we are doing it at a new property (small farm close to Potch) in relationship with Paul’s mission. We are busy with the details but we will take 12 students and it will be first to mobilize the local community for missions. We will focus on REFUGEE missions and also work through the new From Refugee to Champion textbook, which will be used in refugee ministry. One of our staff that lives in another town, let us know that he dreamed that the DTS should be named  World of Champions” – and he didn’t even know we plan to do a DTS in January!! What is so interesting is that the name of the new handbook is from refugee to champion and it will serve refugees worldwide!

Seeing the mayor of Greater Potch area

Next week I will be seeing the mayor around a possible research for a new kingdom democracy. If it goes ahead it will start with a few halls of a hundred in our area. The plans will then be for September. Pray with us to see what God’s will is in this regard.

Possible meeting with the provincial chaplain of the prison

Internet training gives us a very wide scope and we are going to see the chaplain of prison services to see if we can train prison guards for doing sessions with prisoners that are going to be released into the community. Please pray with us for God’s will.

New internet school – Biblical Worldview

We are releasing a new school 20 September called biblical worldview. We are partnering with Ratio Christi (a Student organization that focuses on Christian Philosophy) and we are discussing the 10 most poisonous philosophies in society today and what the Scripture is saying on it. It is a very interesting school and it opens your eyes for the philosophies driving society today. We are hosting the school and I will be doing it myself as well.

Speaking on DTS and travelling to DRC

I will speak on the Rwanda DTS next week via Zoom– please keep me and the students and staff of this school in your prayer!

For the first time since the Coronavirus outbreak I will be travelling again. This time to the DRC , Kinshasa. I am going with an international delegation to speak at a week-long mission’s conference.

Because we have an English/French prophetic school I can come back and have many students from Kinshasa in our next school!

Internet schools having a very wide reach

Our internet schools are really prospering. It is a very different dynamic than DTS schools but a lot of pre-DTS and after DTS can be done through the internet schools. Yesterday one of our students joined from the Philippines. This morning I had a session with someone born in Albania but now living in Switzerland and we are calling on what Sapp to many different countries in the world.

It is truly very exciting and a lot better for family-life because now I am only doing the more essential travel. I got my first vaccination for travel and will see what the next season holds.

Prayer topics:

1)      New DTS, staff and students and arrangements.

2)      New worldview school

3)      Josua writing matric

4)      TPM and Prophetic schools currently running

5)      Appointments with the mayor and chaplain of prisons


Email: ywampotch@gmail.com

WEBSITE: http://ywampotch.com

Operation Refugee Africa – see our Facebook

Transformation Prayer ministry TPMSA -see Facebook

BLOG: http://wikuschristien.blogspot.com

PAYPAL https://www.paypal.me/7Vorsters

Sound cloud – listen: https://soundcloud.com/user-60416906



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