Feb 2021 News - New Season!


Wikus & Christien

Newsletter February 2021


Hi, to everyone. I hope and believe that your eyes are fixed on Jesus and you pray and discern what your calling is and what God is calling you too! In this time of Corona all of us are challenged with what we truly believe and we are tested in several ways. May God give you grace to stand firm and to know the truth daily! Here is our latest news.

Very blessed internet schools:

·         Transformation prayer ministry

Christien has about 40 people involved in her 2 counseling schools. She has a very blessed time with people from all over the world. The new training over the internet has opened up new avenues and zoom has made it possible to do sessions online quite easily. Now someone can get a prayer “counseling” session in England with a prayer partner from Cape Town and somebody doing the session from Potch. Counseling sessions was always in person but now we have been forced to experiment with ways to do it through technology. This is a 10 weeks course every Saturday and it is really a mouth full, but the students and staff are very committed and we see a lot of growth already! Since we have an Afrikaans and English group, Christien  teaches 4 hours every Saturday!

It is working very well and we have seen an increase that we are very excited about. We can now train people in many cities and have sessions with them and help them to get their ministries established from our computer.

·         Prophetic school

There is a great need for understanding of the Holy Spirit and the ways of the Holy Spirit. We have about 20 people involved in the prophetic school including some very influential people. It is a great joy to be able to teach and have zoom meetings for two hours twice a week. This gives me the ability to really teach and get the message over I want to get over. Sometimes when I taught in the Ywam schools they asked me if I cannot teach another week! I was a little bit frustrated that people didn’t get the full importance of what is getting taught. Now with the 4 handbooks and walking with people for 2 months it feels more possible for the penny to drop!

The internet schools is a good fit for us in this stage of our life and ministry as we are about to transition to a more mobile ministry and the internet schools gives us many contacts all over SA and even international.

Ø  More info on our Online schools at http://ywampotch.com

For sale @ R2000 - A2 Oil - Elandri 
– feel free to join the next course!

Job getting married!

Our son is getting married the 20 th of March to a Finnish girl called Iida. We are very happy and blessed with the couple as they are very smart and successful. We are praying for her family to make it from Finland as we might be looking at a third wave the end of March. But their tickets are bought and we pray and hope for the best. It is now full steam organizing the wedding and everything going with that. Please pray for the couple and all the arrangements!

Jonathan and Elandri starting their studies

Our twins finished their matric and both got 3 distinctions ! We are very proud of them and they are very talented and are now enrolled in the NWU. Jonathan is enrolled for Computer Sciences Engineering  and Elandri for music with the violin. Unfortunately Jonathan did not get NSFAS bursary from the government and we are still waiting to hear if Elandri got the bursary. This puts a lot of financial pressure on us as we have 4 kids in university and one marrying! But we trust in God and are very happy for our kids flying high. Because of the focus for this season on our kids leaving the nest safely and getting a proper sendoff , we didn’t take on DTS (missions training school)again for this season. But we are praying into our next season as it seems we might go more into teaching, mentoring  and travelling. Our last son Josua is now doing matric and is considering a future into missions! Please pray for our children as well our finances in this time

Teaching at Ywam schools

I have been invited to teach in two Ywam schools this month. I am leaving today to teach on the Holy Spirit and later this month will teach a week on worldview. I am considering to do an internet school on worldview with a YWAM base in Switzerland and I am reading a book currently on the subject. Worldview is a set of beliefs that governs our lives and the way we see life. More and more I realize that his set of beliefs has a major influence on cities and nations.


·         Job and Iida’s wedding & marriage

·         Elandri and Jonathan going to university, each have to pay R10 000 for NWU registration.

·         Josua doing matric in another Corona year.

·         ...for our Online schools in this season.

·         Our heavy financial yoke we need to carry in this season.

·         please pray with us for Myanmar, as Si Moon and Charity ‘s nation is going through a very difficult time.


Email: ywampotch@gmail.com

WEBSITE: http://ywampotch.com

BLOG: http://wikuschristien.blogspot.com

PAYPAL https://www.paypal.me/7Vorsters

Sound cloud – listen to Prophetic School teachings: https://soundcloud.com/user-60416906




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