Missions in the New "Normal"

Wikus & Christien
Newsletter May 2020
Hi from Potchefstroom. We are entering a very cold winter now and our Corona count in SA is 30000 currently, the highest in Africa.
We have been very grateful for very good governance in the time of Corona. It was very refreshing after the previous decade to be able to trust in governmental leadership and we have been kept safe for the most part.
We are now moving to level 3 out of 5 levels (from 5 or highest level). We couldn’t leave our houses for 2 months now and it is definitely an extraordinary time. We had to adjust our ministry likewise to more online missions but we are thankful that God is leading the way.

Online prophetic school
We have been working to get the prophetic school online. I have written 2 books and we also study through Khris Valloton’s book. (He is from Beth-el ministries in the US). We have homework, working through the book and questions that the students have to answer and voice recordings they need to listen on Soundcloud. We started with people that are able to register and we had quite a few people participating on the online school.
It is an adjustment to disciple online. We have a far wider audience but there is far less engagement as we are dependent on the willing participation of the students. One thing we have seen is that this online platform is incredible big. It is therefore a very fruitful exercise to put the whole school online and we have students that are partaking with great excitement. This serves the purpose as a type of mini DTS or evangelism. It is very good to put a school there that can last for many years and we can upgrade it continually. When we were on outreach in London every last person was on their phones. We were trying to talk to people but people where caught in their bubble busy talking typing or listening to something on their phones. I got the revelation there that evangelism might look very different in the coming times. We don’t have the online lifestyle as severe here in Africa but we are definitely also heading in that direction.
Sango still trapped in Switzerland
Sango was supposed to be finished with his school early April but he couldn’t get back to South-Africa. He is now planning to come back in July. He has committed to come and staff with us in Operation refugee. I am very excited about this as he is an ex refugee and are now very well trained in Switzerland in a YWAM worldview school. Please pray for Sango and also our other staff that is still in lockdown at home.
Think Tank in November
Currently I am planning to go to Malawi in November. I have been involved with three YWAM Think Tanks in Switzerland and England but we are now moving to Malawi for the next one. We hope and pray that it will be doable as we are currently still not allowed to leave the country.
Regular YWAM Zoom meetings online
Ywam International needed to adjust to the new normal for now and we already had a few zoom meetings. It is very nice to see how we can connect reasonably easily with people all over the world through zoom. We had very interesting discussion and impartation from leaders from different areas of the world. One zoom meeting will sometimes include 15 countries and up to 100 participants.
Our kids
Our twins can head to school (matric) the first of June and our university kids would follow soon after. We were 11 people in lockdown in our house. But we see that the season will change now a little bit. We are heading for the most cases of the virus it seems and we are heading for a cold winter but the economy is open to some extent. Our kids have studied very well and the people in the house were constructively busy as soon as they have found their rhythm.

o         Pray for our Western Cape and Gauteng provinces where the Covid-19 hit the hardest. Pray also for our government and leaders to take wise decisions, as well as our essential workers.
o        Please pray for America –As we all know they have a very high Corona count and demonstrations over 30 cities.
o        Please pray for our former staff and student Steven in DRC where their YWAM base have to support the community after a flood and Covid19.
o        Pray for our kids returning to school as well as their teachers. Please also pray for our other kids who are waiting for the University to open – while they do online learning.
o        Pray for our online Prophetic School that is very successful, we want the Lord to really touch and transform the students. One lady said the want to train many ladies in the Prophetic school as so many women are neglected in the church, and it’s mainly men that are functioning in the churches where they stay.
o        Please pray for us for wisdom for the next season how to be wise and effective, fruitful and active in God’s Kingdom.

Please keep contact
Email: ywampotch@gmail.com
Ywam Potchefstroom, WikusChristien Vorster,
Operation Refugee-YWAM Potch ,
Transformation Prayer Ministry - TPMSA
ACCOUNT DETAILS: EC Vorster Standard Bank
Potchefstroom Cheque account. 030584566


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