May 2014 - NEWS

Wikus & Christien
Newsletter -May 2014
Hi from Potch!                                                2014-05-26
 It is getting pretty cold here around Potch. We are just done with SA National elections on 7 May and we are in for a pretty cold winter. Yet we are preaching, teaching and discipling in summer, winter and in the rain.

Establishing a mission move
Our core ministry in YWAM Potch is to train small group leaders and to establish a small group move that brings people into the kingdom and disciples them. But for this to happen there must be a healthy spirituality that is established. The DNA of this move is quite interesting as it is interdenominational and intercultural. In the end it is connecting with people, trusting people and having small group leaders that is committed, loves Jesus and can be respected. We have some beautiful people that have grown in this year and we can really see some good fruit.
We can describe it as self-correcting, self-multiplying discipling organism that brings the kingdom of God in people’s lives. Currently we have 7 of these groups going except all the YWAM meetings. We have three among the students and 4 in the township area. Our newest one is on the campus. Every meeting has a different focus and attracts people with different interests. Please pray with us that many will be saved. A few people have come to Jesus and are busy being discipled. For me it is important that we must do missions successfully if we want to teach about missions. Afcourse we have to have healthy relations with a multitude of churches because we are not a church but rather a servant of the bigger body. 
YWAM teaching at a pastor’s meeting
Stefaan the national leader in South-Africa was invited to teach at a pastors meeting of about 70 pastors. He asked me to assist and we had a wonderful time. The church and many of the pastors got real breakthroughs and we are assisting at least one church now on a weekly basis in Ikageng. The same team has been invited to the US and we will be teaching at the end of September in Washington DC.

Outreach to Liberia confirmed
I will be going to Liberia at the beginning of August to do some research on the situation in Liberia for future outreaches. Liberia in West Africa was an American colony of about 4 million people. Like many African countries the gospel is extremely necessary to establish peace, stability and prosperity. Many times we end up teaching pastors. 2 of our DTS students are going up as missionaries to Liberia early next year. I am quite excited to go and help. It will cost R8200 for the ticket, please pray with us for that.
2 Theophostic Prayer counseling courses coming up
Christien has her honors degree in child psychology and she very much enjoy the counseling. She has a lot of sessions with various people. Today she is starting with a new course at a church in Potch and the 21 st of June we have a full time training at the  YWAM house for 5 weeks. Please pray with us for students and good relationships.
As we are only a year old we are still building relationship through the town. We need to be trustworthy, deal with bad attitudes, act with wisdom and not compromise on the truth at the same time. We need a lot of wisdom from God.
Ø  Places still available for the Holiday TPM counseling course as well as the Tuesday course at the NG Church– let us know if you are interested.

Campus Missions day
We had a great time at the WUK evening on campus – we had a table to represent YWAM and we met a lot of new students and gave out flyers.  We are so thankful for our exciting team of YWAMers who were at the table and connected with the students.

How is the YWAM house doing?
We have welcomed 2 new tenants at the YWAM house. It has grown into a healthy warm atmosphere where young people can grow strong and their  foundations can be healthy. Next year we can rent the whole property which will add a house and 2 flats for next year. We are still waiting on God about this decision. We had inquires for next year for 1st year students, that is quite exciting. It is important to have a life-giving atmosphere in the house where there is freedom and real joy and spiritual food and direction.
Matt and Lizz had a big hand in the establishing of the right DNA in the house and Matt did a lot of work in his outreach. They gave the house a wonderful Love feast before they left for the USA.   Please pray with us to establish healthy Christian houses amongst the students.
Ø  You can contribute to the YWAM house …
eg. your time (helping/cooking)or  give some food or donations – please let us know.

Our Website and Blog…YWAM happenings
Feel free to visit our YWAM website and our blog, Wikus writes some great short nuggets of wisdom on our blog. Our website is full of new info – so make sure you are updated on everything going on in YWAM.

Prayer topics
·         The small group move, that God will bring many people into His kingdom and the growth of leaders.
·         The 2 new counselling training schools and one that’s running Mondays.
·         Please pray for the finances for Liberia. R8200 for the ticket.
·         We had a very difficult month in our personal finances. Please pray for more partners. We have a few faithful partners which we are very thankful for but not enough for the long term.
·         We do not get any salaries from YWAM and we must raise all our own support and finances, please keep on praying for us for wisdom and grace.
·         Russian outreach team – their finances and a safe journey
·         Andrea and Job (our teenagers) want to join a church group’s outreach to Khayalitsha/Ocean View in the Cape during the holidays. Please pray for them as they have to learn to raise their own support!
Blessings Wikus, Christien Job Andrea Jonathan Elandri & Josua

Contact details
Phone: Wikus 084 5490914 Christien 082 9666753
Address: Parys Ave 60 Potchefstroom 2531
YWAM house: Esselen Street 6 Bult, Potchefstroom
Email: YWAMpotch 
Visit our FaceBook pages:   YWAM Potchefstroom ;  WikusChristien Vorster
Account details: Potchefstroom Abundant Life Ministries 912 045 8116 Savings account ABSA Tom Str. Website:
Paypal for safe international donations:  See link on our website > Donations
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