Newsletter March 2014

W i k u s  &  C h r i s t i e n
Newsletter March 2014

Hi, from Potch. What a joy it is to see the gospel spread. We thank God for different and exciting things that are happening and God that are setting people free from bondages and releasing them into His wonderful light.
 What is busy happening?

Ywam student discipleship house
Out of the DTS course a student discipleship house developed. At this stage we have about 10 university students that are being discipled in this house. We have one that is studying education, the other one social development, actuarial sciences, etc. Most of them come from broken homes and we are setting the foundations of discipleship in these students lives. Matt and Lizz from the USA have been living in the house and have been leading the house. They have been working very hard as part of their outreach and have done very well in establishing a discipleship atmosphere in the house as well as reaching out to the African community and the students. Currently the students are writing tests; the pace of the campus is very fast. We need to establish a model for discipleship. God has been good to us and a live-learn house is definitely the best place where some time can be spent on focusing on God and hearing His voice. As this is the environment in the house we do see a focus change, worldview change and lifestyle change. Please pray with us for the house as this is not students that has done a DTS but students that are being discipled from different backgrounds and worldviews.

Two Theophostic (God’s light) courses running
We are thankful for the fruit that comes out of the DTS. Currently there is an outreach group working at the Vaal Pukke at the Vanderbijl campus. They have organized a group where we do the Theophostic course in Vanderbijl. This course is designed to sort out emotional triggers and to help people hear the voice of God. It is a good course to get the flow of the Holy Spirit going and to get people obedient to Jesus. We had a good first intro session and we will continue after the vacation.
Christien and Anja also started a course in Potchefstroom. She has about 10 people that are being trained. Afterwards these people will be qualified to also help others. Our calling is to birth workers for the kingdom of God and the TPM course has a very good multiplication model that makes it easy for workers to be multiplied to help people in emotional need and to get answers from Jesus. Christien does one or two TPM sessions daily and see a lot of emotional freedom, release, God’s love revealed and His grace and answers for broken persons!

As we have continued success with this course we plan to also have this course in the June-July break. Please pray for these courses that many workers can be trained and that the lies that bind people will be broken through the voice of God.

Anyone is welcome to join us for the Holiday TPM course:

Invitation to the USA
Another fruit from the DTS is that we build a good relationship with Matt and Lizz. They are very honest and sincere in their search for God. They want to share of the highlights of their DTS with their friends. We have been invited as a couple to the US, Washington DC. Restoring the Holy Spirit life is of great importance world-wide as there are very able and willing people that can be greatly used by God that are longing for the life that is in this life-giving relationship. Please pray with us, we have been greatly blessed by our relationship with honest individuals in the US. We plan to stay with a student from Potch that is now married with a lady from Tukkies and working in Washington. God is busy building a network of honest individuals that has the gospel as the first purpose in their lives. There is also a possibility to visit Liberia that we are praying about.
Mimi & Christien with Dorah and ladies from Ikageng at our weekly worship
How are we doing as a family?
Job is grade 11 and Andrea grade 10 and is looking in a couple of years to go to university. Both want to do DTS before they go and study at this stage. They went to a big youth worship event (#imagine) of about 3000 this weekend and enjoyed it a lot! Both are healthy teenagers with a good relationship with God. Where has the time gone? Yet we are trusting God to work out their future and we are looking forward to see what direction their lives will take.
We have put in a new engine that ended with a bill of R37000. We borrowed money and are paying it off. It is a great relief though to have a car that is now fixed and no longer giving problems. It was a great source of trouble for years; we hope that it is over now. It looks really good as there are no leaks or exhaust fumes as we got a 2010 engine. Through all these troubles we have learned that a positive faith goes a long way. We still have a lot of financial troubles we face and we look to God to sustain the work He has started. It is a blessing to continually see miracles and to know that God is in the process, yet it is not always easy.
Overall we are doing well as a family and if we look through the eyes of faith we have a lot to be thankful for. Please pray with us as we are about to face a new season of 2 kids on university soon.

Prayer topics:
·         We are busy placing discipleship models into place that will bring forth multipliable fruit. We need wisdom for that.
·         As a staff we are growing and we need to know what to take and what to leave. We need wisdom to now at what pace to live with 5 kids.
·         Finances are always a prayer topic with 5 kids that have continual needs. We hope and pray that we will get to a position of safety in this regard. Our monthly financial needs far outweigh our monthly support at this stage and we need regular miracles. We hope to build 2 more rooms to rent out if we can borrow on our bond, please pray for that as well. We need to rent out our guest room (as a flat) – please pray that we get a good tenant.
·         Please pray for open doors and understanding in the community.
·         Please pray for our 5 kids as they grow up, that they will be strong in their identity in God!

Blessings from Autumn in Potch !
Wikus, Christien, Job, Andrea, Jonathan, Elandri and Josua

Please Keep Contact :
Phone: Wikus 084 5490914 Christien 082 9666753
Address: Parys Ave 60 Potchefstroom 2531
YWAM house: Esselen Street 6 Bult, Potchefstroom
PHOTOS - visit our FaceBook pages:  ywam Potchefstroom ;  WikusChristien Vorster
Account details: Potchefstroom Abundant Life Ministries 91 20 45 8116 Savings account ABSA Tom Str. Website:
Paypal for safe international donations:  See link on our website
YWAM Potch is registered as an Non-Profit organization no 2013/217961/08
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